Attorney Profiles

Meet our team

Review the qualifications and achievements of our partners and associates by clicking on their names:

Brian S. Behar

Ira Gutt

David L. Glazer (retired)

Robert J. Edwards

Danielle S. Feuer

Maribel Diaz

The attention you require for the results you deserve

The lawyers of Behar, Gutt & Glazer, P.A. are dedicated to resolving your legal matters in a timely, effective, professional, personal and cost-sensitive manner.

We understand your issues

We believe you need and should expect the best advice from skilled counsel every time on every legal challenge. It is a philosophy we enthusiastically embrace and practice every day for our clients.

Recognized experience and service to our communities

Our attorneys have been honored by some of the most prestigious legal institutions in the South Florida area and nationally. We are active in the communities where we provide legal services and serve many non-profit organizations.